Middle West Distributors Inc. distributes high quality food and treats to an area that extends from Milwaukee, WI to Bloomington, IL. As an employee perk, the Royal Treatment offers the opportunity to order supplies from Middle West at wholesale cost. Enjoy!
Middle West Distributors Catalog Login
Account # – 1750
Password – chi#9966
Important Notes –
- Orders are placed every 2 weeks for delivery on Friday, unless otherwise specified.
- Orders are due by 12 pm the Thursday before delivery.
- There is no individual minimum amount needed to place an order.
- Please take home items, especially frozen food, as soon as possible due to limited space in the clinic.
- Final balances will be posted in Cornerstone for review after delivery. Out of stocks, back orders, and damaged/missing/wrong items at delivery will not be billed.
- Open balances will be deducted from the next payroll by default. You may pay out of pocket prior to payroll deduction.
- You may set up a recurring order by filling out the form below. Recurring orders are automatically placed every 2 weeks. Changes can be made by submitting a new order form. To stop or pause a recurring order, please email alex@rtvc.us.
[wufoo username=”royalvet” formhash=”m1j580h00vl334m” autoresize=”true” height=”1400″ header=”show” ssl=”true”]