Exciting AHVMA Foundation’s 2:1 Match — Fund-Raising Drive, March 23rd – 30th, 2014

Exciting AHVMA Foundation’s  2:1 Match —  Fund-Raising Drive
March 23rd — 30th, 2014

As President-Elect of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation (AHVMF), I am excited to offer my clients a chance to donate and improve the condition of integrative veterinary medicine nationwide during our exciting AHVMF MATCHING FUND PLEDGE DRIVE!

An AHVMF sponsor has agreed to another matching campaign at 2:1.
Your $15 becomes $45
your $250 becomes $750 and so on…
(Last year we even had a donation of $50,000 that became $150,000 to fund a new Veterinary School program in Integrative Medicine.)

THE DEADLINE is Sunday night March 30th online at http://www.ahvmf.org.
Use the pledge form online or download the form and mail it in.

Pledges need to be in to The Royal Treatment Vet Center or received online by March 30th.  As long as we know before the deadline that you are sending a check, we can include it in our tally. (So let us know if a check is headed our way).

The AHVMF continues to fund all types of holistic awareness including;
research (- it is against our AHVMF Rules to fund ANY study that
involves inflicting ANY illness or injury on ANY animal), many veterinary school programs,
student scholarships and more.

In our difficult economy, the chance to triple a donation is an incredible opportunity. Please do anything you can.
The AHVMF is a Charitable 501c(3) — Donations to our non-profit are tax-deductible.

Please Note – Donations can be specifically restricted in some way or given to the AHVMF to use where needed to support education/research/student scholarships.

Thank you for all of your support and help with the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation fund drive last year.
Happily we raised almost 800,000 dollars and that money is making a difference in how holistic
veterinary medicine is being taught, researched and viewed worldwide.

If you cannot donate,dollars, then take a moment and send good thoughts
that integrative medicine modalities not be banned by the short-sighted.

Recently the AVMA (our conventional parent organization) voted on a motion to BAN the use of homeopathy in veterinary practice.  This motion was DEFEATED in
the AVMA House of Delegates by the intervention of the AHVMA, AHVMF, AVH and many individual delegates.  But we must be aware that this type of motion to inhibit integrative medicine may resurface.

Funding from the AHVMF supports research and education that is vital to improving the veterinary community’s opinion of integrative medicine.

There are many new programs and events, so check out the web site and Facebook page regularly!

Foundation Facebook Page (and be sure to Like us Please)

Please forward this email to your friends and colleagues and post it online.

We have the potential to raise over a million dollars this drive.
This money will go far for our mission to support integrative programs in every veterinary school and fund research to prove the successful results of many holistic modalities.

With great hope for the future of Veterinary Medicine,


Barbara Royal, DVM, CVA

President, AHVMA

President-Elect AHVMF

The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center

4130 N. Rockwell
Chicago, IL  60618

Fax 773-267-9944


Most Direct Veterinary patient-related Email: royalvet@rtvc.us

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