Rich Britton Interviews Dr. Royal on Passionate About Pets

sidebarOn Monday, June 17th, Dr. Royal gave an hour long interview to Rich Britton on the radio program Passionate About Pets.  Dr. Royal and Mr. Britton discussed many topics from the book including bridging Eastern and Western medicine, debunking myths, whether dogs and cats can be vegetarians, and many practical, informative tips.  

About Rich Britton:

A lifetime animal lover and passionate advocate, Rich Britton has worked to raise awareness about numerous animal welfare issues and has helped find homes for countless animals.

Currently, Rich’s radio show Passionate About Pets, Compassion for All Animals is broadcast weekly on Mondays at 3:00 pm EST on WCHE 1520 and steamed live at  The show, co-produced by his wife Kathie, features national animal advocates, authors, and newsmakers, as well as interviews with rescue groups from all over the country. It is a unique forum that gives voice to the people who care deeply about advocating for the voiceless animals who deserve our concern and protection so that they can have the greatest lives possible. In addition Rich is the spokesperson/animal advocate for the Chester County SPCA, located in West Chester, PA. Rich has two children Erica and Christopher, as well as two pugs, Bailey and Alfie.


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